We Offer

Route "The Megalithic Valley"

Village of Hlyabovo - place of Evdzhika - place of Kamenna mogila - place of Byalata treva - place of Gaydarov dulap - place of Nachevi cheiri

Duration: 6 - 7 hours

Route description:

Route starts from the eastern end of Hlyabovo village, from the road to the former granite quarry in the south direction. Prior to a career turnout, you can see a large granite block, which is fixed in the ground. From this place, you can take a dirt road to the ridge of the mountain, passing through a pine forest. At 1.5 km from the beginning of the route it turns on a forest path in the west direction. Approximately three hundred meters from it is the dolmen "Evdzhika" which is fixed in a granite rock, and about 20 meters south of it is situated a one-chamber dolmen.

Back on the forest path is the return of the black road and it goes southwards as it ascends to the peak Kamenna mogila - there is a group of huge granite canaries with sculptured interesting forms, where probably was located a Thracian sanctuary. After th Kamenna mogila the path continues southwest, among beautiful rocks and a rare oak forest. After that the route goes downhill to a small creek, then climbing along a forest road on a nearby hill and again goes downhill to Kazankite dam lake. But before reaching the dam lake, along the forest road in the southern direction you can go to the dolmens in the place of Byalata treva (Tsarski dolmen), which is one of the most interesting and well-preserved megaliths in Bulgaria. From there you can return to the forest road leading to Kazankite dam lake- a place suitable for rest, fishing and camping. From there you can climb a hill to the northern direction, follows a path downhill through the almond garden to the dolmen "Gaydarov dulap". The route ends after crossing two small rivers and a short ascent through the forest meadows and reaching to the end point, which is the large and well-preserved three-chamber dolmen " Nachovi cheiri".